Unproduced/In Production

Road Trippy
Feature Screenplay
When a fastidious paperclip saleswoman falls asleep while driving and accidentally hits a hitchhiker, she is pulled into a chaotic world of demonic ex-boyfriends, brain-swapping drugs, and a surprisingly vicious zebra.
Written by Joe Heath based on the novel by J. Bartholomew Hivemind.
If you're interested in reading, please contact me.
WINNER: 4th Dimension Independent Film Festival 2022.
WINNER: Indo American International Festival of World Cinema 2020.
FINALIST: Genre Blast 2022.
FINALIST: New Jersey Film Awards 2022.
FINALIST: NOOGA Underground Film Fest 2022.
FINALIST: Page Turner Awards 2022.
FINALIST: Screenplay Festival 2018.
SEMI-FINALIST: Boston Screenplay Awards 2021.
SEMI-FINALIST: Filmmatic Comedy Screenplay Awards 2020.
SEMI-FINALIST: Atlanta Film Festival Screenplay Competition 2019.
LONGLIST: Page Turner Awards 2021.
NOMINEE: Beyond the Curve International Film Festival 2022.
OFFICIAL SELECTION: 4theatre selection 2022.
OFFICIAL SELECTION: SoCal Film Awards 2020.
OFFICIAL SELECTION: KinoDrome International Screenplay Festival 2019.
Road Trippy
Television Pilot Script
​When a fastidious young woman falls asleep while driving and accidentally hits a hitchhiker, she is pulled into the hitchhiker's chaotic world.
Written by Joe Heath based on the novel by J. Bartholomew Hivemind.
If you're interested in reading, please contact me.
QUARTER-FINALIST: Filmmatic Inroads Fellowship: Season 5 2022.
QUARTER-FINALIST: Boston Screenplay Awards 2021.

Ghost Town
Short Film Script
​An old west sheriff begins to use outlaws for spare body parts.
Written by Joe Heath based on the comic by Joe Heath & Ray Friesen.
If you're interested in reading, please contact me.
QUARTER-FINALIST: Killer Shorts 2022.
OFFICIAL SELECTION: HorrOrigins Film Fest 2022.
Cinema One
Television Pilot Script
A workplace sitcom about a single-screen movie theater where the episodes are influenced by the film that is playing. The pilot is based around Stanley Kubrick's "The Shining."
Written by Joe Heath.​
If you're interested in reading, please contact me.
QUARTER-FINALIST: Inroads Fellowship Season 6.

Unaired Television Pilot
Dracula hosts a show featuring kung fu films.
Joe Heath wrote, edited, directed, & starred in the pilot as well as writing 15 additional unproduced episodes. Eventually retooled as "Dracula's Kung-Fu Theatre" under a different creative team.
Web Series Scripts & Television Pilot Script
The web series Monsters Anonymous released two episodes, but five more were scripted and never produced. Now you can read these never-before-seen scripts by Joe Heath & Vincent E.L. as well as a more recent take on the pilot.

What We Do in the Shadows
Spec Scripts
Joe Heath wrote these for various television fellowships. The first is set after "Colin's Promotion" in Season Two. The second was written as a Season Three premiere before Season Three actually started.
Ken Socrates World News Organization
A rogue journalist assembles a crackpot team for ludicrous missions. Issue One is in the process of being drawn.
Written by Brad Heath, Joe Heath, Ken Socrates, & Horatio Darkfaulker.
Illustrated by Brad Heath.

A Thing in Space
The science fictional adventures of CG and Alan Spacepowder as you'll probably never see them. Two issues have been completed, while even more are in various forms of completion. Currently in development hell, but who knows what may happen?
Written by Vincent E.L., Joe Heath, & Christine Cherry.
Illustrated by Brad Heath and Jannar.
Cover art by Alexander Mandrajiev.
Other Projects
If you would like to know more about any of these projects, please contact me.
Feature Scripts​
"Glitter Poof" A wild sci-fi religious exquisite corpse epic written by Bri Castellini, Christine Cherry, Vincent E.L., Michelle Friesen, Ray Friesen, Joe Heath, Toni B. Heath, Zach Kinsey, Ben Paddon, & Andrew Williams.
"A Higher Power" An unfinished comedy about aliens, weed, con artists, & cults written by Joe Heath.
"Star Wars: The Exquisite War" Another exquisite corpse written by Christopher D. Bate, Christine Cherry, Vincent E.L., Ray Friesen, Joe Heath, Kris Keochinda, & Andrew Williams.
Television Scripts
"Amuse" A comedy-drama pilot about a struggling comedian who finds out she's a muse written by Joe Heath.
"Road Trippy" Pilot & Episode 2 written by Joe Heath. Episode 3 written by Christine Cherry. Based on the novel by J. Bartholomew Hivemind.
Short Film Scripts
"Another, Smaller Superteam" A superhero short film written by Joe Heath as a Christmas present for friends.
"The Bag" A horror film written by Joe Heath.
"The F*cking Filthy Fright Fest" A sketch written by Joe Heath & Jeff Hewitt.
"Intersection" A sci-fi drama written by Joe Heath.
"The Long Dark Cherry of the Soul" A sketch written by Ray Friesen, Vincent E.L., Joe Heath, & Toni B. Heath for Christine Cherry's birthday.
"Mime Games" A horror-comedy written by Christopher D. Bate. Joe Heath plans to rewrite & film.
"New York Tours" A sketch written by Joe Heath.
"The Party" An experimental horror film written by Joe Heath.
"Tugboats Are Cool" A comedy short written by Joe Heath based on the comic written by Joe Heath & illustrated by Brad Heath.
"Vince Events in Space" A sketch written by Christine Cherry, Ray Friesen, Joe Heath, & Toni B. Heath for Vincent E.L.'s birthday.
"Big Toni in Little Tokyo" A Road Trippy spin-off written by Ray Friesen & Joe Heath. Currently writing.
"Road Trippy 2" A Road Trippy sequel written by Christine Cherry, Ray Friesen & Joe Heath. Currently writing.
"Road Trippy" Audiobook. Currently recording with Megan Ariel Clark.
"Consume All Media! A Deep Dive into the Comic Adaptations of the 1940s" A newly edited collection of articles previously released on The Dipp written by Joe Heath.
Short Stories​​​​
"Split Ends" A short horror story written by Joe Heath. Read it here.
Comic Scripts​​​
"Christmas Apes" A story about a woman making a Christmas wish in the apocalypse written by Joe Heath.
"Duck, Duck, Goose" A heist and a reverse heist comic written by Joe Heath & Toni B. Heath.
"The Parable of Percival Plump" An already dated comic about pigs and politics written by Joe Heath.
"Road Trippy" A comic adaptation of the novel adapted by Joe Heath.
"The Three Ray" A comic written by Christine Cherry, Vincent E.L., Joe Heath, & Toni B. Heath for Ray Friesen's birthday.
Radio Plays​​
"Another, Smaller Adventure" A three episode radio series written by Ray Friesen, Joe Heath, & Vincent E.L.
"Jump Leads: An Experiment in Quantum Entanglement" An unused script for a radio series by Ben Paddon based on their web comic.
Stage Plays​​
"Road Trippy" A stage adaptation of the novel adapted by Joe Heath.
Web Series​​
"The Game" A sci-fi mystery pilot written by Joe Heath.
"The Projectionist Project: Episode 44: The Projectionist Project" The Projectionist reviews the show itself in this unfilmed series finale written by Joe Heath. Read it here.
"Obsidian & Zack" A comedic web series about a normal guy married to a cryptid. Written by Ray Friesen, Michelle Friesen, Toni B. Heath, & Joe Heath.