MonAnon Episodes

Monsters Anonymous: S1E1: Trivial Pursuits: Syndicated Cut

Monsters Anonymous: S1E2: Competitions With Dead People: Full Episode
A werewolf, a vampire, and an invisible man come together and then split off in the pursuit of happiness.
Starring: Josh Spurgin, Joe Heath, Vincent E.L., Jillanna Babb-Cheshul, Brad Heath, Ray Friesen, Jez Layman, Daniel McCulloch, Lizzie McCulloch, Samuel McCulloch, Rachel Erin Scott, Jamie Spurgin, Lewis Lovhaug, Dennie Eugene Thompson III, Hope Heath, Helen Hamilton, & Joshua Wooten.
Mon Anon, Cool Science, & Lizzy Winters logo by Ray Friesen.
Executive Producer: Joe Heath.
Producer: Brad Heath.
Music by Vincent E.L.
Written & Edited by Joe Heath & Vincent E.L.
Directed by Joe Heath.
Seth and Death compete against each other, Bob competes for Bethany, and Nick is terribly mysterious.
Starring: Josh Spurgin, Joe Heath, Vincent E.L., Jillanna Babb-Cheshul, Brad Heath, Ray Friesen, Jez Layman, Daniel McCulloch, Lizzie McCulloch, Samuel McCulloch, Bruce Scott, Rachel Erin Scott, Jamie Spurgin, Helen Hamilton, & Joshua Wooten.
Mon Anon & Lizzy Winters logo by Ray Friesen.
Executive Producer: Joe Heath.
Producer: Brad Heath.
Music by Vincent E.L.
Written & Edited by Joe Heath & Vincent E.L.
Directed by Joe Heath.
Bob goes to work while Seth holds an intervention for Death.
Read the script for this unproduced episode.
Written by Joe Heath & Vincent E.L.

Seth gets a new job, Bob loses a job, and Nick plays Cyrano.
Read the script for this unproduced episode.
Written by Joe Heath & Vincent E.L.

Bob's brother comes to visit.
Read the script for this unproduced episode.
Written by Joe Heath & Vincent E.L.

Everybody loves Bob's brother.
Read the script for this unproduced episode.
Written by Joe Heath & Vincent E.L.

Seth, Bob, Nick, & Death confront their unknown enemy in a dream-filled musical episode.
Read the script for this unproduced episode.
Written by Joe Heath & Vincent E.L.

Seth turns to therapy after becoming a werewolf. He meets and subsequently moves in with a vampire and an invisible scientist.
Read the script for this unproduced episode.
Written by Joe Heath.